
View the Project on GitHub xiao-guangv/BHA2022

week2: Deconstructing the Lab (2022/3/7~3/13)

(a) I made a FOLDSCOPE

Manu Prakash developped this microscope made of paper.

(a’) About the microscope in the first place

Antonie van Leeuwenhoek made the first microscope.
How was he able to create the microscopic lenses? Many thought it was polished. In reality, he produced beautiful lenses by heating and melting glass, then dropping it into water and letting it cool.

There are two types of microscopes.

  1. Type viewd from top
    Mainly used to observe fixed and immobile objects. Use slides. img
  2. Type viewed from below
    Mainly used to observe cells, bacteria, and moving objects in petri dishes.
    (When viewed from above, it is difficult to see the evaporated water droplets. So look from the bottom)

(b) I made a pocketPCR

Polymerase Chain Reaction: A means of copying large quantities of DNA.